Transparency & Reporting

Transparency and Reporting


SBCERA is committed to conducting business in an open, transparent, and impartial way. The following links provide information related to economic interests, travel, and education for Board members.

SBCERA Board of Retirement Policies

SBCERA Board of Retirement Policies

SBCERA Trustee Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700 Filings)

Certain government officials and employees are required to submit a Statement of Economic Interest, also known as the Form 700. This form contains summaries of each Trustee’s personal financial interests, including stocks, bonds, and other investments. To access Trustee Form 700 filings, click the link below.


SBCERA Trustee Training and Education

SBCERA’s Board of Retirement Trustees Education and Training Policy requires that each Trustee obtain a minimum of 24 hours of education within two years of assuming office and for every subsequent two-year period, in which the Trustee continues to sit on the SBCERA Board.

Trustees Education and Training Policy

Trustees Education and Training Policy 2023 Annual Report
Trustees Education and Training Policy 2022 Annual Report
Trustees Education and Training Policy 2021 Annual Report
Trustees Education and Training Policy 2020 Annual Report
Trustees Education and Training Policy 2019 Annual Report
Trustees Education and Training Policy 2018 Annual Report
Trustees Education and Training Policy 2017 Annual Report
Trustees Education and Training Policy 2016 Annual Report
Trustees Education and Training Policy 2015 Annual Report
Trustees Education and Training Policy 2014 Annual Report
Trustees Education and Training Policy 2013 Annual Report

Additional Related Board Policies

Trustee Travel and Expense Policy
Gifts of Food and Drink Policy

Form 801 Reporting

California Form 801 is used to report certain payments received by state and local government agencies. It includes: (1) a payment for an official’s travel expenses for the purpose of facilitating the public’s business in lieu of a payment using agency funds; and (2) a payment that would otherwise be considered a gift or income to the benefiting official, but is instead accepted on behalf of the agency. 

Form 801 Report - Q2 2024
Form 801 Report - Q2 2024
Form 801 Report - Q1 2024
Form 801 Report - Q4 2023
Form 801 Report - Q3 2023
Form 801 Report - Q2 2023
Form 801 Report - Q1 2023
Form 801 Report - Q4 2022
Form 801 Report - Q2 2022
Form 801 Report - Q4 2021
Form 801 Report - Q4 2020
Form 801 Report - Q4 2019
Form 801 Report - Q2 2019


FY 2024-2025 Budget
FY 2023-2024 Budget
FY 2021-2022 Budget
FY 2022-2023 Budget

SBCERA Positions that Manage Public Investments for the Purposes of Section 87200 of the Government Code

  • Board of Retirement Trustees
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Chief Investment Officer
  • Senior Investment Officer
  • Investment Officers

SBCERA and SEIU Local 721 Fact-Finding Report

After more than two years of bargaining for a successor Memorandum of Understanding, on October 16, 2023, SBCERA and SEIU Local 721 participated in a fact-finding hearing to resolve the impasse. Both sides presented their case to a panel including SBCERA’s chosen representative, SEIU’s chosen representative, and the Chair of the panel who is a neutral third party from the State Mediation and Conciliation Service (SMCS) agreed upon by SBCERA and SEIU.

On November 1, 2023 the panel issued its advisory report containing its recommendations for resolving the impasse. In accordance with state law, SBCERA posted the full report. 

A copy of the report can be found below

SBCERA and SEIU Local 721 Fact-Finding Report

On March 19, 2024, SEIU Local 721 filed a disclaimer of interest in representing the employees of SBCERA. Effective March 22, 2024, the California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) affirmed that SBCERA employees were no longer represented by SEIU Local 721 or any other exclusive representative. 

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