


The San Bernardino County Employees’ Retirement Association (SBCERA) is an independent, defined benefit pension plan providing retirement, disability, and death benefits on behalf of approximately 48,000 members and beneficiaries. SBCERA serves 17 employers throughout California and invests more than $15 billion in assets.

SBCERA was established on January 1, 1945 under the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 following a vote by the people of the County on May 16, 1944. SBCERA is an independent government entity, separate from San Bernardino County. 

As a defined benefit pension plan, SBCERA provides eligible members with a lifetime retirement benefit based on their years of service, age at retirement, final average compensation, and benefit formula. This pension is “The Foundation for a Secure Retirement” for SBCERA members and serves as a stable, reliable source of income—both for those already enjoying retirement and those who will retire in the years to come.


Mission Statement

It is the mission of the San Bernardino County Employees’ Retirement Association (SBCERA) to provide the members and their beneficiaries with those retirement and related benefits and services which they have earned and which are commensurate with their years of service and compensation.

It is the responsibility of those charged with administration of SBCERA to:

  • Effectively collect contributions to fund liabilities incurred;
  • Diversify the investments of the system so as to minimize the risk of loss and to maximize the rate of return;
  • Administer the benefits impartially, fairly and in accordance with the applicable law;
  • Deliver service to the membership in an accurate, courteous, prompt, professional and cost-efficient manner;
  • Appropriately set employer and member contributions in accordance with responsible funding practices; and
  • Strategically plan for the future.

Our Membership

SBCERA’s membership includes active, deferred, and retired members and beneficiaries. SBCERA administers benefits for two membership classifications, Safety and General, and two tiers, Tier 1 and Tier 2.

All active members and participating employers contribute to SBCERA. These contributions are held in trust by SBCERA and are invested for the long-term.

SBCERA Leadership & Staff

The Board of Retirement is responsible for overseeing the operation and administration of SBCERA. There are nine members and three alternate members on the Board. The day-to-day administrative operations are handled by SBCERA’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO). In addition, our Executive Management Team oversees the key areas of the organization including: Administration, Fiscal Services, Information Services, Investments, Legal Services, and Member Services.

Our staff is committed to delivering service to our members in an accurate, courteous, prompt, professional, secure and cost-effective manner. In addition, we are dedicated to administering the benefits impartially, fairly and in accordance with all applicable laws.

Enterprise System Inventory


Board of Retirement

The Board’s Role

The Board of Retirement’s primary role is to ensure SBCERA is appropriately governed and managed to fulfill its mission on behalf of its members, beneficiaries and participating employers.


Executive Management Team

Our Executive Management Team oversees the key areas of the organization including: Administration, Fiscal Services, Information Services, Investments, Legal Services, Member Services, Human Resources & Risk Management, and Communications & Stakeholder Relations. 


Strategic Plan

With a clearly defined mission and set of shared values, SBCERA is driven to provide service and a focus on the following co-equal pillars:

  • Operational Excellence and Efficiency
  • Superior Service Experience
  • Quality Employer and Workplace
  • Prudent Fiscal Management
  • Effective Communications

Each of those pillars has a set of Strategic Priorities, which are elaborated in the Triennial Strategic Plan linked below:

Triennial Strategic Plan


Career Opportunities

Explore where your talents can take you next.

The San Bernardino County Employees’ Retirement Association (SBCERA) is a local employer of choice, offering enriching and fulfilling career opportunities with competitive wages and benefits. In order to provide the highest level of services to our members, we invest in our employees through training and other development programs. SBCERA welcomes employees with a diverse range of knowledge and skills in order to best serve our members. 


RFP & RFQ Announcements

SBCERA may issue Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and Request for Qualifications (RFQs) for administrative, fiscal, technology, investment, legal services, or other projects. 

Current RFPs

There are currently no requests for proposals (RFPs) available.


Contact Us

Have you had a chance to review the answers to some of SBCERA’s frequently asked questions? Find those answers on our FAQ web page.

Office Hours

Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(Closed weekends and holidays)

Contact Information

Phone: (909) 885-7980
Toll Free: (877) 722-3721
Fax: (909) 885-7446

Mailing Address

348 W. Hospitality Lane
Suite 100
San Bernardino, CA 92408

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