Harry Hatch

Elected Member - Alternate

Harry Hatch

Alternate Retired Member since January 1, 2020
Administrative Committee
Term expires December 31, 2025

Harry Hatch has spent more than 45 years serving in law enforcement. He is currently a Consultant for Hamil Fire Investigations. Previously, he served the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department as a Deputy Sheriff/Detective for 34 years before retiring in June 2008, than two years as a Reserve Deputy. During his last 20 years on the force, he was assigned as a Detective/Bomb Tech with the Arson and Bomb Detail.

Prior to his employment with the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, Mr. Hatch worked for the San Diego Sheriff’s Department and the City of Corona Police Department in various roles. Mr. Hatch obtains a broad range of expertise in public safety related topics in which he has been professionally recognized for.

Mr. Hatch is the Alternate Retired Member Trustee of the San Bernardino County Employees’ Retirement Association (SBCERA) Board of Retirement. He has previously served in this role on the SBCERA Board of Retirement from January 2011 to 2016. Prior to his retirement from the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department in 2008, Mr. Hatch held a seat on the Board of Retirement for 13 years as an active, elected Safety Member Trustee.

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